Opening a company in Brazil is a process that involves a lot of bureaucracy, that goes through several processes and measures to make sure that everything is regulated and fully in accordance with the standards required by law. To register products is no different.
Not only companies need to comply with the legislation, but when manufacturing a product you will also need to pay attention to its certification and registration and avoid any problem with possible inspections by public agencies.
In addition, today with a market as competitive as ours, where people increasingly seek quality in the product combined with a fair price, registering products, and regulating them has become a truly relevant and even demanding factor. Proof that your product will be more likely to be accepted and successful in the market when it supports the consumer with certificates and approvals.
In Brazil, we have two different types of product regulations within the Brazilian Conformity Assessment System: Voluntary and Compulsory Certifications.
Voluntary Certification, as the name implies, is not mandatory and it is up to the manufacturer to decide whether or not to certify their product, but as we have already said, having a certified product today is much more than just an etiquette, since consumers are becoming more and more demanding and looking for certificates to guarantee more security when buying.
Compulsory Certification are the products listed in regulations that determine that it can only be manufactured or marketed if it is properly certified. An obligation that is necessary, precisely because there are so many products of that kind e.g., products for children, products for health, etc.
The advantages of having your product certified go beyond the consumer, as it is through the certification that the manufacturer can ensure whether the product is consumed or used correctly, and so to be as expected.
To help you to see the differences more clearly, we brought you the list of Voluntary and Compulsory products:
Voluntary Certification Products

- Auditors for the manufacture of fire extinguishers
- Wind turbines
- Computer goods
- Guide dog training center for the blind
- Construction materials and equipment – Annex K
- Energy efficiency of buildings
- Plywood panel for structural and non-structural use
- Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) Salgado Seco
- Construction materials and equipment – Annex L
- Civil construction materials and equipment – Annex G to J
- Integrated agricultural production
- Sustainability of the leather production process
- Sustainability management system for lodging facilities
- Light passenger and light commercial vehicles
- Hand toy
- Toy with projectile without stored energy
- Carts for the first steps
- Toy wind instruments for parties, fans, and anniversaries
- Lucky games
- Flying objects
- Pacifier clip
- Puzzles or puzzles
Today, INMETRO is responsible for inspecting companies in compliance with these laws or ordinances.
We take on bureaucratization for you

Of course, registering a product requires a certain amount of red tapes that can take up a lot of your time, as you will have to raise several documents and requirements from the agencies. With that in mind, we at Licempre take on all this bureaucratization, doing everything necessary to register and regulate your product or company while you can use your time to do what is really important.
We at Licempre are a company specialized in regulatory matters and we are ready to provide all the support and advice necessary for your business to leverage. We register with the main regulatory bodies in Brazil, namely: ANVISA, MAPA, INMETRO and ANATEL.
ANVISA – National Health Surveillance Agency
It is a regulatory agency, in the form of a special regime autarchy, linked to the Ministry of Health and is responsible for exercising sanitary control over products and services such as medicines, food, cosmetics, sanitizing agents, tobacco derivatives, medical products, blood products and services. of health.
MAPA – Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply
He is responsible for formulating and implementing policies for the development of agribusiness here in Brazil, being present in technological, organizational and environmental aspects, ensuring quality products and services for everything that Brazil produces and circulates here and for what is exported also.
INMETRO – National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology
It is a regulatory agency, in the form of a federal autarchy, linked to the Ministry of Economy, which is responsible for verifying the quality of specific products and promoting society’s trust in them, ensuring that they are consumable.
ANATEL – National Telecommunications Agency
it is the regulatory body whose main function is to take care of the fixed and cellular telephony sector, assuring the consumer that the products consumed by them will have to be in accordance with their imposed rules.
Get more information here on our website.