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MAPA launches Guide for the Rational Use of Antimicrobials for Dogs and Cats

This past Thursday, June 23th, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) released the Guide to the Rational Use of Antimicrobials for Dogs and Cats. This is a pioneering document that addresses the responsible use of antimicrobials in animals, aiming to guide and harmonize the procedures that veterinarians in the country adopt.


Mapa has been active in the Project by Working Together to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance (EU-PAHO/WHO/OIE/FAO) and in the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture (PAN-BR AGRO), of which this new guide arises as part of your actions.


The preparation of the document was carried out by the veterinarian Rodrigo Rabelo, under the coordination of Mapa and also in partnership with the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine (CFMV). In it, the reader will find topics such as the profile of antimicrobial resistance in the hospital environment of dogs and cats; what are the main classes of antimicrobials inside a clinic of small animals; guidance on preventive measures; how resistant bacteria reside in dogs and cats; guidelines regarding the diagnosis of infections and their veterinary prescription; plus many other topics.


As veterinarian Rodrigo Rabelo said, “For us, it was an honor to collaborate on this project with Mapa and PAHO. Antibiotic resistance has reached its highest alert in the world and the veterinarians need to assume their responsibility within the single health in a definitive way”.

How important is it to use antimicrobials correctly?

Despite being considered a natural event, bacterial resistance is an imminent threat to global public health due to the misuse and excessive use of antimicrobials.


Geraldo Moraes, director of the Department of Animal Health, clarifies “The incorrect use of antimicrobials represents a great risk to public and animal health, and veterinarians play a fundamental role in ensuring the prudent use of antimicrobials in order to preserve these essential medicines for the humanity”.


Soon, other new guides will be released by Mapa, such as the Guide to the Rational Use of Antimicrobials for Dairy Livestock (cattle, sheep and goats) and the Guide to the Rational Use of Antimicrobials for Poultry, expanding to an even larger segment of animals.

Course: Good Practices of Production and Rational Use of Antimicrobials.

Curso: Boas Práticas de Produção e Uso Racional de Antimicrobianos.

In the meantime, Mapa brings another initiative related to the theme, which is the course “Updating in Good Practices of Production and Rational Use of Antimicrobials”. Taught by veterinarian Silvia Adriana Lentz, the course is completely free and seeks to update Brazilian public and private institutions on good practices and antimicrobial resistance, especially those involved in teaching, promoting and monitoring agricultural activities, focusing mainly on poultry, swine, dairy cattle and aquaculture.


The meetings will be online and the number of spots is limited. Those interested will be able to choose between five options of dates, offered in the months of June (30/06) and July (07/07, 14/07, 21/07 and 28/07). The hours are from 2 pm to 4 pm and registration can be done through this link. Join in!