• Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 18:00

Food allergens labeling is the subject of sectorial dialogue promoted by Anvisa (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency).

On March 28th, more than 300 people participated in the Sectorial Dialogue on  Food Allergens Labeling, promoted by Anvisa. The virtual meeting discussed innovations in the Codex Alimentarius to improve labeling, bringing four main objectives.

The first one aimed to expose an overview of the regulatory process for reviewing food allergens labeling requirements, which is an integral part of Project 3.2 of the Regulatory Agenda 2021/2023.

Afterward, it was necessary to explain the recommendations of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens on the review of the list of food allergens with global relevance, the statement of precautionary allergen labeling based on reference levels and the development of criteria to exclude allergen derivatives from labeling.

Another objective was to contextualize the ongoing work of the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL) to review guidelines for food allergens labeling in packaged foods, and therefore, drafting guidance on precautionary allergen labeling. And, finally, it was necessary to clarify doubts and gather inputs from agents interested in or affected by the topic.


What does this impact on regulation?

The inputs that were received helped to detect the advantages and disadvantages of the regulatory changes that are being debated internationally, as well as some issues that need to be addressed at the national level for the advancement of food allergen labeling.

The contributions obtained will be used in the regulatory process for reviewing the labeling requirements of food allergens and in the formulation of stances to be discussed within the scope of the Codex Alimentarius (a joint program of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO and the World Health Organization – WHO, aiming to establish international standards in the field of food).


How do I watch this event?

Como faço para ver essa apresentação?

The presentation that was made during the session can be accessed via this link. And if you want to watch the recording of the session in its entirety, you can access it at these two links below:

To watch the 1st part of the session, access here. Here, the topics addressed were the overview of national regulations on food allergen labeling and the review process, the work of the CCFL on food allergen labeling background, and the recommendations of the FAO/WHO expert group on the list of food allergens.

In the 2nd part of the session, which can be accessed here, the recommendations of the FAO/WHO expert group on allergen limits for the use of allergen precautionary labeling, and the recommendations of the FAO/WHO expert group on the use of precautionary allergen labeling and on the approach to exempting allergen derivatives from labeling.

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